Need a refresher on Homeslice? I don’t see why you would need that, but I’m prepared for everything. It’s one of my many intriguing quirks.
Homeslice follows the lives of 12 reckless adults who live on Earth C, as they indulge in adventures that make their lives both troublesome and exciting.
Yeah. Really original of me, to recite verbatim the description of the comic. Ten points to Gryffindor or whatever.
To phrase it better, Homeslice is a fan-made continuation to Homestuck, whatever the fuck Homestuck was. Don’t know what Homestuck is or haven’t read it? Me neither, because I lived it, and it’s pretty shit. It’d be a wise decision to keep yourself innocent unless you’re willing to read over 8,000 pages of senseless word vomit.
I like to say that Homeslice is a sitcom, but that's just how it’s presented to the world. I know it’s terribly unprofessional of me to break immersion like this, but I’m only playing along for the fun of it. I think there’ll come a time when we have to view it for what it is. Don’t take that for ominous foreshadowing, by the way. If I were to foreshadow anything, I’d be a lot more subtle about it than that.